Плагин для сервера css Anticamp v2.5.2 (new version)

Новый плагин для сервера css Anticamp v2.5.2
Плагин служит для борьбы с кемперами. (Кемпер - это игрок засевший в удобное место, поджидающий противника. В основном ими бывают AWP снайперы. ) Установка плагина: скачать архив, и всё из архива извлечь в папку cstrike вашего сервера.

* sm_anticamp_enable 1
"Set to 0 to disable anticamp"
* sm_anticamp_beacon 1
"Set to 0 to disable beacons"
* sm_anticamp_take_cash 0
"Amount of money decrease while camping every 2 sec. Set 0 to disable"
* sm_anticamp_mincash 0
"Minimum money a camper reserves"
* sm_anticamp_blind 0
"Blind player while camping"
* sm_anticamp_slap_mode 1
"Set 1 to slap or 2 to slay (kills instantly). Set 0 to disable both"
* sm_anticamp_slap_dmg 5
"Amount of health decrease while camping every 2 sec. Ignored for slay"
* sm_anticamp_minhealth 15
"Minimum health a camper reserves. Set 0 to slap till dead. If slay set the health from which player will not be killed"
* sm_anticamp_punish_delay 2
Delay between camper notification and first punishment in secounds
* sm_anticamp_punish_freq 2
Time between punishments while camping in secounds
* sm_anticamp_minhealth_camp 1
"Set 0 to allow camping below minhealth. Set 1 to punish without damage"
* sm_anticamp_radius 120
"The radius to check for camping"
* sm_anticamp_camptime 30
"The amount of times a suspected camper is checked for"
* sm_anticamp_t_camp 1
"Set to 1 to allow camping for t on cs maps. 0 = Disable"
* sm_anticamp_t_camp_planted 1
"Set to 1 to allow camping for Ts if bomb planted. Set to 0 to disable"
* sm_anticamp_ct_camp 1
"Set to 1 to allow camping for ct on de maps. 0 = Disable"
* sm_anticamp_ct_camp_dropped 1
"Set to 1 to allow camping for ct if bomb dropped. Is only needed if sm_anticamp_ct_camp is 0"

Плагины для css » Просмотров: 3830 » Загрузок: 1154 » Дата: 04.06.2013
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